Mothers on a Mission (MOM) is a non-denominational charity organisation who aims to connect mothers together irrespective of their race, colour, religion or social status. We hope to achieve this by creating a environment where mums can share experiences with each other, bear one another’s burdens as well as working together for all children and youth of Ireland.
Guidelines For MOMs
- Our aim for the guidelines is to communicate values of mothers on a mission to all members and the leaders of each sectional group and also to be aware of expectations for how things are done.
- We want to keep the values of mothers on a mission in compliance with legislation and to provide protection for members.
- It is necessary to document and implement practices appropriate for the running of mothers on a mission.
- The guidelines will provide support and transparency for members.
- It will help to manage activities in each centre in order to be consistent and to have same standard at all locations.
- It is the responsibilities of RCCG Ireland and Mothers on a mission Ireland to maintain order and monitor each group in all locations as to compliance with guidelines of operations either opening a MOM centre, adopt a School or Adopt an estate.
- There are consequences for noncompliance with guidelines, the leader of such group could be changed or removed
Code of Conduct
- The love of Jesus Christ is our code of conduct, we are to love each other as Christ loved the church.
- Members and leaders are expected to respect each other and respect the laws of the land in every location.
- Each member must act in the best interests of mothers on a mission Ireland.
- Members must avoid conflict between personal interests, or the interests of any person.
- All information must be treated as confidential especially during prayers and no improper use of access to members information.
Hours of Operations
- Each centre is expected to meet at the minimum of one hour per month, each centre can choose a day that suits its members, either once a month or weekly but each meeting must not be more than an hour.
- It is expected that the leader of each location will send a monthly report to Pastor Mrs Adebayo Oke who is the leader of MOM Ireland.
- The report will include the number of attendees, new members, testimony, and any concern from the centre.
Thanksgiving 10 Minutes
Praise &Worship 10 Minutes
Prayer of Mercy 05 Minutes
Intersession 25 Minutes
Prayer for the Nation 05 Minutes
Thanksgiving 05 Minutes
TOTAL 60 Minutes
Mothers on a Mission (MOM) is a non-denominational charity organisation which was started in 2009 with the aim of reaching out to women and children in our locality through various programmes and activities.
The main mission of MOM is to connect mothers together irrespective of their race, colour, religion or social status to share with each other, bearing one another’s burden as well as working together for all children and youth of Ireland. We also raise funds to support various Children and Women charitable organisations.
Past MOM activities in various locations across Ireland include active participation in the 2011 St. Patrick’s Day Parade by the Waterford group, this was a successful event which created public awareness for MOM.
Also in 2011, to mark Mothering Sunday, various MOM groups in Dublin carried out community projects and visited the Alzheimer’s unit at the Cherry Orchard Hospital, singing for the patients and presenting them with gift items.
Recently, MOM groups from various Dublin groups came together to participate in the 2011 Flora Women Marathon, this was a grand outing with good representation of MOM and congratulations to all our fit women as all participants made it to thefinish line, but most importantly funds were raised for two children’s charity organisations in Ireland; Jack and Jill Foundation and Our Lady Children’s Hospital.
Watch this space for future MOM events!
Calling all Mothers!!! Would you like to start a MOM group? Or join an existing MOM group near you? Please email us at info@mothersonamission.ie